RUA features MOKO, which beat 11,170 entries from 60 countries to become the winner of the 2003 International Songwriting Competition. This earned Moana the distinction of becoming the first non American to win a major US songwriting competition.
This second album was produced by Angus McNaughton and Daniel Barnes, though ‘Kahu’ was produced by Neil Finn. With songs like ‘Treaty’ and ‘Ancestors’, RUA focuses on issues of power while ‘Prophesies’ and ‘Bird in a Tree’ touch on more spiritual matters.
Richard Nunns features with his stunning body of taonga puoro. The closing track ‘Awe Maria’ was sung alongside the St Josephs Maori Girls Choir, which Moana was once a part of.
"...Rich mix of traditional sounds and values with modern music-making methods and issues, contemporary and timeless, the messages are ancient but timely..."
- Real Groove
"...Rua has got to be the album of the year … if there’s a better New Zealand album in 1998 its going to be a very good year indeed. Absolutely essential. .."
- N.Z Truth